p/s: pertama kali dalam sejarah, saya tengok bola sampai habis..
Thursday, December 30, 2010
p/s: pertama kali dalam sejarah, saya tengok bola sampai habis..
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
my weekend..
apa jadi weekend saya? hehe.. meh nak crita..
sabtu lepas saya pegi berjalan hampir 1 kl.. dari rumah adik kat pj, naik komuter p bank negara.. jalan p sogo.. redah lautan umat manusia yang begitu ramai.. akhirnya sampai ke pertama kompleks.. berjumpala dengan teman2 berjanji ni.. si fairus n aishah.. pusing2 cari backpack.. tau range rega dan cap apa yang ada.. :)
lepas tu kami jalan g masjid jamek.. jamu mata tgk tudung2 terkini dan kain-main yang sangat banyak.. then naik putra lrt pg klcc.. pusing2 klcc.. jumpa kedai beg yang bagi harga diskaun murah dari rega kat pertama complex..(!) *skarang tau rega max yang boleh mintak kurang.. hehe.. turun dari klcc dan terus naik putra pg bangsar.. dari bangsar naik cab ke midvalley.. setelah rm4.30 meter berjalan sampai ke midvalley..
pusing2 midvalley.. makan eskrim hagaen daz sedas *happy* .. tup2 dah pukul 5pm.. (owh, singgah kedai dive equip.. meletup2 hati nak pg dive lagi) isk2..
fairus dan caca ada janji nak tgk siti di alam fantasi kat istana budaya bersama2 atengs n the gengs.. dan saya ada janji sama mr NhA.. janji marathon wayang.. ish, lama tak tgk wayang ni..
dari midvalley, naik komuter pg serdang.. mr NhA amik saya naik bini no 1 dia.. hehe.. kami singgah jusco konon nak tgk wayang kat situ.. tapi hampa.. last2 pegi mines.. (setelah berkurun lama tak pg mines, akhirnya.. ).. hajatnya ni menyempurnakan misi tanpa serabut dengan ramai orang.. bagusnya orang kat sana sedap2 jalan.. memang tak ramai.. siap main bowling 1 game.. 1 game je.. sebabnya badan dah sangat penat.. kalau main 2-3 game mau pengsan dalam panggung.. rugi..
setelah habis wayang terakhir.. saya balik rumah dan tido..
sekian terima kasih.
p/s : saya namakan dia mr NhA.. nak letak mr NH.. sama cam husben faten plak.. *marah faten* hehe..
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
안녕 ~ annyeong..
Monday, December 13, 2010
Thursday, December 09, 2010
saengil chukahamida minho.. :)
happy sweet 19 (20 in korean year) and wish him lots of happiness
안녕하세요~ SHINee의 불꽃카리스마 민호입니다!
데뷔 때부터 함께해온 여러분….
제가 벌써 20번째 생일을 맞이했습니다~
휴…… 시간 참 빠르죠? ^^
2년 반이란 기간 동안 여러분 덕분에
잊지 못할 경험과 많은 추억을 만들었어요~
너무 감사하고~ 또 감사해요~
이번에는 생일파티를 함께하지 못해서 너무 아쉽지만,
그래도 우린 오늘 시상식에서 만나잖아요~
여러분과 함께하는 첫 콘서트도 열심히 준비하고 있고,
더 좋은 활동 많이 해서~ 우리 앞으로….
더 기쁘고 좋은 일만 가득하게 만들어요~^^
고마워요~ 항상…
오늘은 생일이니~ 4장~! ㅋㅋ
[From. Min Ho] Hello~ This is Minho. ^^
2010-12-09 1:19:00 AM
Hello~ This is SHINee’s Flaming Charisma Minho!
All of you who have been with me since debut....
I have met my 20th birthday already~
Hu...... Time is very fast, right? ^^
Thanks to all of you, during the period of 2 and a half years
unforgettable experiences and many memories have been created~
Thank you so much~ And thank you again~
Although I feel very regretful that we could not hold a birthday party together this time,
we are still meeting today at the awards ceremony~
I am working hard preparing for our first concert that we are having together with all of you,
and I will continue doing lots of better activities~ So in the future we....
Create to the brim only events that are happier and even better~^^
Thank you~ Always...
Since today is my birthday~ 4 shots~! ㅋㅋ
Source: shinee.smtown.com
Translation credit: live laugh love @ soompi
Friday, December 03, 2010
i learn new language.. :)
dengan susah payah nak menaip tu.. sebabnya keyboard takde huruf hangul.. taip dengan mencari huruf2.. hehe.. saya sekarang pelajar yang sedang belajar bahasa korea.. belajar dengan cikgu dari korea.. :)
kenapa saya belajar bahasa korea?? sebabnya saya nak g korea tahun depan dengan misi bercakap dan bersembang dengan local kat sana.. ;p
wish me luck!! \(^_^)/
nak type hangul tgk kat sini. nak tambah bahasa lain kat komp pun sama kaedahnya.. :)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
my first lesson..
teringat plak cerita 'kelas' yang belum saya tulis.. kelas apa.. nanti saya cerita.. hehe..
well.. alhamdulillah sabtu lepas selesai sesi belajar untuk pertama kali.. i've been dreading this for months! skarang dah start, and now my mission is to finish it.. hihi..
hampir 3 jam jugak belajar sampai tepu.. makan dan minum.. sembang2.. pastu nak balik dapat hadiah lagi.. dapat earphone n apple from hanguk..hehe *happy happy*
after that.. my unnie said '' you don't have to worry so much, you've known a lot already.. but you have to study harder..'' ~isk2
wah.. banyak ni nak blaja.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
Friday, November 26, 2010
terer math?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
cheesy 6

setelah membaca beberapa review dari kengkawan yang hantu cheese (credit to faten n ikeng).. saya pun pegi la men'try pizza cheesy 6 ni.. siap simpan perut nak makan piza ni tau.. :)
review saya (kira review ke ni?? ) - jeng jeng jeng ;p : hmm.. dalam dunia ni kan.. kalau ada orang yang sukaaaaaaa betul...!!! mesti ada yang tak suka kan.. dan mesti ada yang berada di golongan tengah2.. suka sangat pun tak.. tak suka pun tak.. saya ni rasanya masuk dalam golongan yang tengah2.. mungkin tak reti nak menilai rasa cheese yang macam2.. suka dengan rasa savoury pizza ni.. suka dengan rasa rich n creamy cheese dia.. tapi hmm.. perasaan makan tu tak lebih dari rasa makan piza biasa.. jangan marah ye para hantu cheese (>.<)/.. sedap tak sedap pun.. disebabkan takde rasa muak makan pizza ni ( mungkin it's non-tomato based topping nya) habis jugak 4 keping.. yummy.. hehe
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
balik raya
dengan jerik pekik (suasana yang sangat bising), dengan abah aku tak tau jalan nak p bas, dapat jugak makcik ni setuju tuk kitaorang ikut blakang kereta derang tuk ke bas.. alhamdulillah syukur..
sampai di bas, rupanya bas persiaran dah setia menunggu.. dah hampir penuh rupanya.. kesiannya lama menunggu kitaorng.. dah sape suruh lambat bagitau kan.. isk2.. dengan hujan renyai-renyai selamat aku bertolak dari kota bharu.. sampai kl, 10 jam tau perjalanan.. driver membawa konsep biar lambat asal selamat dengan jayanya.. tahniah pakcik driver bas!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
selamat hari raya idul adha...
Noron soron namin.. ~ sungkyunkwan scandal

Title: 성균관 스캔들 / Sungkyunkwan Scandal
Genre: Period, romance, comedy
Episodes: 20
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2010-Aug-30 to 2010-Nov-02
Soundtrack: Sungkyunkwan Scandal OST
i, who do not learn about Korean history.. the story brings me such a ‘pening’ful puzzle..for the first 3 episode, I totally didn’t understand what is the different between those three (noron, soron and namin).. so I did an intelligent guess.. here we go..
after that, came moon jae shin – as soron, with a character rambut sepah2 and always wearing dark robes and rebellious .. rude and not following rules is his specialties.. so, my impression : he must be kind of pemberontak or something.. he is a senior – most probably failed exam and repeating his year in kim yun shik and lee sun joon class.. he is a soron.. whose father, he said covering up his hyung’s death by noron for the sake of power..
last but not least.. my favorite character.. yeorim gu yong ha.. likes wearing flashy robes and kaki pompuan.. playboy, a bit gatal.. but I loike.. hehe.. ~is a senior.. at start he is friendly with the antagonist.. but not long after that yeorim + 3 of them is an item.. and by the way he’s a noron..

the conclusion I made, without reading 1000 year old korean history, I think I can go with my instincts.. ~noron and soron is like two political power in the government.. satu parti pemerintah (the ruling party).. another one is parti pembangkang (the opposition).. the different is, they cannot choose what party they want to be in like in our world now..whether is it noron or soron it depends on their fathers.. turun temurun.. bound by blood.. they are both bangsawan (nobilities).. separated by power and land.. both have times in the past, rules the country..
for current drama, the king’s dream to have a society that live harmony regardless political power, noron, soron and namin live together without differences.. and it create conflict between good and evil in this drama.. and kim yun shik as a namin survive as a man to gain jobs for money and enter sungkyunkwan university is the main plot of the story.. and most of them really damn funny.. :)

The drama is based from the novel The Lives of Sungkyunkwan Confucian Scholars 1 and 2 written by Jung Eun Gwol. Bad Milk has written a comprehensive translation of the novel in his blog here.

Sunday, November 14, 2010
~ the fugutive : plan B..

Domangja : Plan B
Friday, November 12, 2010
10 things i hate about you
ni antara cerita dia yang paling aku suka.. selain Dark Knight..
10 things I hate about you
I hate the way you talk to me,
and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car,
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots
and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick,
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right,
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh,
I hate it when you're not around,
and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you,
not even close
not even a little bit
not even at all.
p/s: DDG - drop dead gorgeous..
Thursday, November 11, 2010
~hoot by snsd

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
tanjung aru ~ my last sunset @ kk
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Thursday, November 04, 2010
lost and found
akhir skali, nak pakai tudung pagi smalam, cari brooch kesayangan.. tak jumpa cari dan tak tau letak mana.. huhu panik, sebabnya dah masuk 4 tahun kut pakai brooch tu hampir setiap hari.. sayang ooo.. cari punya cari ada dalam beg laptop jugak.. letak masa nak p mersing aritu.. huaaaa..
~i love you by 2am~
Mula-mula dengar lagu ni.. the first hangul I understand is kokkiri and kegurri.. maksudnya gajah dan katak.. wah lagu apa yang ada katak ngan gajah ni.. *thinking*
Hmm.. rupa-rupanyanya nak membayangkan yang lelaki ni yang tak pernah sangka yang dia boleh jatuh cinta dengan pompuan ni dengan cara yang tak disangka sangka..
I didn’t know what I was seeing as I saw it
I didn’t know what I was hearing as I heard it
I didn’t know what I knew as I learned it
Just like when a blind man touches an elephant
Or how a frog thinks its well is an ocean
Or like when a fox gives a crane food on a plate
note: “…when a fox gives a crane food on a plate” this is from an aesob fable.. the full story about the fox and crane is here..~
My most favorite lyric is
Oh yeah, the game is played out
So don’t be greedy
Be realistic instead of
searching for whatever shallow ideal of love
Most of the things you want are unnecessary
The most important thing is how you feel
And this..
I Love you (Love you)
I want you (Want you)
I need you (Need you)
‘Cause I choose you (Choose you)
It would be nice if I can hear this from someone special.. if I have any.. :)
p/s : i instantly fall in love with this song.. eventhough i purposedly listening the album because of other song ( i can't let you go even if i die ~ got goosebump listening to d song.. jjang-i-eyo).. totally serendipity.. :)
p/s 2: my 2AM bias - jinwoon sshi \(^,^)/.: aesob fable : The Fox and The Crane:.

"Thank you," said the Crane; "I will do so with pleasure."
But after the dinner she was as hungry as before. All that the Fox had offered her was some thin soup in a shallow plate. With her long, sharp bill it was as much as she could do to get a taste, while the Fox with his broad tongue quickly lapped it all up.
"Come and dine with me to-morrow," said the Crane.
"Thank you," said the Fox; "I will do so with pleasure."
He went in great glee, but he came home sad. The Crane had offered him plenty of good food, but had served it in tall, narrow-necked bottles. With his broad tongue he could not get so much as a taste, while the Crane with her long, sharp bill easily reached and ate up the whole of it.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
i have companion ~~*

Friday, October 29, 2010
saya dah balik..(!)
hmm.. GMP tu apa ye? gmp tu tajuk panjangnya good manufacturing practice.. kalau prasan biasa kat packaging makanan mana syarikat yang ada gmp dia letak lambang gmp kat situ..
ni tempat kursusnya.. nama resort : La Bella Resort, Mersing *iklan sket*
tempat makan.. 3 hari ni semua makan sedap2.. ala kampung gitu..
p/s :gambar cam kabur2 sket.. lupa ubah setting kamera.. huhu..
Thursday, October 21, 2010
baru 7 tahun ke.. dah tujuh tahun (?)
skrang ada dah rasa jemu2 dah keja.. walaupun belum tahap melampau kejemuan tu, tapi bahaya jugak ni.. yelah.. ada kerja buat pun jadi tak ikhlas.. sebabnya dah terpaksa (rela) kan.. tak ke bahaya tu..

Friday, October 15, 2010
money matter 2..
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Smart Dad, Stupid Dad
by golbguru on April 20, 2007
Let’s play a sarcastic devil’s advocate for a minute and view the world from the perspectives of four different dads. I will try to keep this short and simple.
Rich dad: Life is all about cash flow. Income producing things are assets and everything else is a liability. Accordingly, food, clothes, cars, homes, computers, TVs, kids, love, and non-earning spouses are liabilities. You should have a net worth of $10 million before you die, only then you will be wealthy. Get rich quick (?). All other dads are stupid.
Poor dad: Life is absolutely not about money. Spend as you like and live paycheck to paycheck. Never have a backup plan for financial disasters. Consumerism exists for the benefit of the universe. Never get rich. All other dads are stupid.
Smart dad: Life is about happiness. Do what you think you are good at. If you prefer to stay employed rather than own a business yourself, then stay employed. Look for ways (within your means) to increase your wealth, but don’t overly obsess yourself with money. Always spend less than what you earn. Get rich sensibly. Observe and learn from other dads.
Stupid dad: Life is all about money. Do everything and anything you can to earn more money. Leave your day job even if you are good at it, and start a business even if you suck at management skills. Net worth of $10 million is not enough, always try for more. Get rich quick. Rich dad is your friend, everyone else is stupid.
Any thoughts? What kind of dad you want to be?
Update: What if you are a mom? Would you have some additional (in addition to dad’s) advice for the kids when it comes to money? [thanks to Plonkee for this thought]
from here..
p/s: dah pernah baca rich dad poor dad by robert kiyosaki.. bacalah.. sangat infomatif dan menarik cari dia bagi kesedaran kita camane nak urus kewangan..

money matters..

hmm ni aku jumpa bajet sheet kat internet yang aku rasa sangat bagus tuk sape2 yang nak uruskan kewangannya dengan sungguh2..
ayat dia pakai: dalam uruskan kewangan ni, planning adalah penting.. kalau takde planning atau matlamat.. umpama pegi airport, tenung board pelepasan tapi tak tau destinasi ke mana arah tuju.. hmm terkesan jugak ayatnya..
credit: tuk bijak pandai yang mereka budjet sheet ni..
Thursday, October 14, 2010
i think i need colour..
Thursday, October 07, 2010
no more sushi king for me..
hmm baru-baru ni aku dapat tau yang sushi kat sushi king tu tak halal.. jadi selepas tu no more shushi king for me..
hmm.. sebabnya ada sushi yang guna mirin.. mirin sejenis rice wine.. adik beradik sake.. cuma kandungan alkohol je yang beza.. jadi dengan kata lain.. mau tak mau.. takleh makan sushi king dah lepas ni..
Following are products that contains Mirin:
1. Unagi Kabayaki
2. Unagi Slice
3. Karei Nitsuke
4. Saba Misoni
5. Mamakari
6. Ikura
jadi untuk lebih lanjut sila baca di sini ye.. jurnalhalal.com
ya Allah.. mintak jauhkanlah dari menda2 yang tak best ni.. :(
p/s : na nun nappeun yoja ga aniyo.. i'm not a bad girl.. please don't make me do something bad to you.. i'm not intrested ok!!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
hello MV teaser..
dah besar dah budak-budak ni.. ;)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
hantu grey's via torrent.. hihi..
for the time being my project on grey's anatomy, chuck, supernatural are on hiatus.. hehe.. (i'm not totally immersed only in kpop ok..!) grey's currently on season 7 epi 3, chuck season 4 epi 2, supernatural just started season 6 epi 1.. and bleach (of course..!!) current ep 288.. :)
i definitely love these show and i recommend to all to buy the original dvd.. *iklan* but i'm not a very patient girl..
so, this is how i download via torrent :
2. then google anything you want to download.. for example xxxmuvie torrent.. there will be a long list of torrent provider..
3. select your torrent file.. download it.. (or you can just open file and allow -on bit torrent)
4. after that just leave it there.. be sure to open and run your torrent software everytime you open you lappy or pc.. some file (eg. movies) can last for 2-3 days.. some maybe need half and hour or so..
5. it is important to select good torrent file.. be sure to pick torrent file with a lot of seeders.. *Seeders - those who give. Leechers - those who take. *
after you done downloading.. if want to download the subtitle.. google any subs you want.. put your subs file (.srt) in a same folder.. change it to same file name as your xxxmuvie.. then you can enjoy watching..
good luck.. (^.^)/
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
i'm soooo stress out

i'm so stress out from work..
i got this from somewhere.. it really helps..
Reducing job stress by taking care of yourself
When stress on the job is interfering with your ability to work, care for yourself, or manage your personal life, it’s time to take action. Start by paying attention to your physical and emotional health. When your own needs are taken care of, you’re stronger and more resilient to stress. The better you feel, the better equipped you’ll be to manage work stress without becoming overwhelmed.
Taking care of yourself doesn’t require a total lifestyle overhaul. Even small things can lift your mood, increase your energy, and make you feel like you’re back in the driver’s seat. Take things one step at a time, and as you make more positive lifestyle choices, you’ll soon notice a noticeable difference in your stress level, both at home at work.
Get moving
Aerobic exercise –perspiring -is an effective anti-anxiety treatment lifting mood, increasing energy, sharpening focus and relaxing mind and body. For maximum stress relief, try to get at least 30 minutes of hear pounding activity on most days but activity can be broken up into two or three short segments.
Make food choices that keep you going and make you feel good
Eating small but frequent meals throughout the day maintains an even level of blood sugar in your body. Low blood sugar makes you feel anxious and irritable. On the other hand, eating too much can make you lethargic.
Get enough sleep
Stress and worry can cause insomnia. But lack of sleep also leaves you vulnerable to stress. When you're sleep deprived, your ability to handle stress is compromised. When you're well-rested, it's much easier to keep your emotional balance, a key factor in coping with job and workplace stress.
Reducing job stress by prioritizing and organizing
When job and workplace stress surrounds you, you can’t ignore it, but there are simple steps you can take to regain control over yourself and the situation. Your growing sense of self-control will also be perceived by others as the strength it is, leading to better relationships at work. Here are some suggestions for reducing job stress by prioritizing and organizing your responsibilities.
Time management tips for reducing job stress
Create a balanced schedule. Analyze your schedule, responsibilities, and daily tasks. All work and no play is a recipe for burnout. Try to find a balance between work and family life, social activities and solitary pursuits, daily responsibilities and downtime.
Don’t over-commit yourself. Avoid scheduling things back-to-back or trying to fit too much into one day. All too often, we underestimate how long things will take. If you've got too much on your plate, distinguish between the "shoulds" and the "musts." Drop tasks that aren't truly necessary to the bottom of the list or eliminate them entirely.
Try to leave earlier in the morning. Even 10-15 minutes can make the difference between frantically rushing to your desk and having time to ease into your day. Don’t add to your stress levels by running late.
Plan regular breaks. Make sure to take short breaks throughout the day to sit back and clear your mind. Also try to get away from your desk for lunch. Stepping away from work to briefly relax and recharge will help you be more, not less, productive.
Task management tips for reducing job stress
Delegate responsibility. You don’t have to do it all yourself, whether at home, school, or on the job. If other people can take care of the task, why not let them? Let go of the desire to control or oversee every little step. You’ll be letting go of unnecessary stress in the process.
Reducing workplace stress by improving emotional intelligence
Even if you’re in a job where the environment has grown increasingly stressful, you can retain a large measure of self-control and self-confidence by understanding and practicing emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage and use your emotions in positive and constructive ways. It's about communicating with others in ways that draw people to you, overcome differences, repair wounded feelings, and defuse tension and stress.
Emotional intelligence in the workplace
Emotional intelligence in the workplace has four major components:
Self-awareness – The ability to recognize your emotions and their impact while using gut feelings to guide your decisions.
Self-management – The ability to control your emotions and behavior and adapt to changing circumstances.
Social awareness – The ability to sense, understand, and react to other's emotions and feel comfortable socially.
Relationship management – The ability to inspire, influence, and connect to others and manage conflict.
Monday, September 27, 2010
selamat pengantin baru ~ Nor Akmal Shahidah
Friday, September 24, 2010
what and where i download.. .:~suju and else
upon request.. here is the answer of what and where i download.. in HQ of course (^_^)/
this forum is dedicated for Suju fans from all over the world.. they got almost everything on suju recent appearence and performance on tv.. mostly after 3jib.. you have to register and posted 30 posts to download..
other old variety series of suju.. you can use same live journal account..
this is where i download Full House
this where i download strong heart that i love.. :) teukigayo rocks...
Other than suju.. i like watching cute victoria and nichkun in WGM.. but it i hardly finds it on youtube or anywhere else.. i know mostly samgyupsal couple have been subs by 2PM and 2PM forum fansubs.. but it require us to post 75 post before they can allow us to see the donwload link.. huhu.. that was so much.. i love them but i don't think i can do 75 comment on either 2PM or 2AM.. anyone to share doing the comment?? isk2
7 Oktober 2010
now i know where to watch my lovely khuntoria..
http://khuntoria.tumblr.com/ and here
now i can download it..(!!) go and love them for 30 post then you can get access to their download link.. *wink wink* .. another fan forum for 2PM and 2AM
i will update if i have more.. hwaiting!! (^_^)/
Thursday, September 23, 2010
pankek bayam..
ni resipi tuk tatapan diri sendiri (supaya tak lupa) dan yang ingin mencuba..
cara membuatnya:
selamat mencuba..
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
sarangheyo kim heechul.. ;p
never realized this is his bio:
사랑해요 김희철
우유빛깔 김희철
it was read as: sarangheyo kim heechul, uyuu pikka kim heechul
meaning : i love you kim heechul, milky white skin kim heechul
anyone who love and watch a lot of suju will know this cheer... :)
location : 꽃밭 ~ flower garden.. taman bunga
i'm not exactly his bias but lol.. this is funny.. it was sooo heechull.. :p
Friday, September 17, 2010
Salam Idul Fitri

ha, kat gua musang ni p bazar ramadhan dia.. ada satu gerai ni jual roti nan.. ni first time aku jumpa gerai roti nan kat bazar ramadhan..roti dia sangat lembut dan sangat sedap.. teringin nak makan lagi.. teringat2 plak.. kat gua musang ni jugak.. ada tempat makan sup yang best.. gerai dia berderet panjang dan hampir semua jual sup.. apa2 jenis sup ada.. dan jugak la sangat sedap.. aku makan mi sup kat sini tuk bukak pose dan lepas ni kalau jalan siang hari.. aku nak buat acara wajib singgah sini tuk makan mi sup :)
tahun ni, seperti tahun-tahun lepas jugak.. kami kat buat kek buah kukus 4 jam, kek lapis bumi, biskut cornflakes (yang ni baru tahun ni rajin buat :p ), ketupat daun palas (dengan bangganya nak kata aku hampir terer membungkus.. hehe.. ), dan tape (tapai).. yang lain2 smua kuih/ kerepek tunjuk.. siap dibeli sedia dimakan.. kerepek aku beli kat batu pahat ni.. kan glemer batu pahat banyak kerepek.. hmm tapi rasanya bukan semua yang sedap.. tempat yang aku beli, hmmm sangat kurang kualiti rasa dia.. tak best.. lain kali nak kena p beli kat kilang dia yang orang duk sebut sedap..
sekarang dah start keja.. lepas 10 hari ( 5 hari cuti rehat, 2 hari cuti raya, 3 hari cuti sabtu/ahad) bercuti.. harapnya semangat raya tu boleh bawak ke semangat nak keja.. amiinnn.. selamat hari raya smua.. smoga hari raya ni membawa keberkatan yang lebih pada kita dari tahun2 lepas.. :)
p/s : perut sakit.. huhu.. sebabnya lepas raya pun makan macam-macam.. tak abis-abis dia terkejut makan banyak hari raya haritu.. ;p
p/s 2 : jangan lupa puasa 6 ye bulan syawal ni.. tak puasa, rugi.. :)
Monday, August 23, 2010
cili paling pedas dalam dunia..
this is from youtube.. i have to upload it back sebab uploader kat youtube tak bagi embended it to anywhere.. huhu... if you want to watch more click here
bhut jolokia namanya.. the hottest chilli in the world.. uuhhhh.. camane rasa ye rasanya cili paling pedas dalam dunia ye (??)
sedikit info tentang cili atau lebih glamer dipanggil lada atau cabai -ni tuk semua jenis cili ye:
1. rasa pedas lada datangnya dari bahan namanya capsaicin.. it means 'bite'.. lada ni hasilkan capsaisin untuk elakkan kena makan dengan binatang yang suka makan buah.. tapi ada burung suka makan lada ni sebab burung takde deria rasa sakit.. jadi pedas mana pun lada tu dia takkan rasa pedas.. lada yang burung suka makan ni namanya lada burung atau omputihnya birdseye. (mama aku slalu gaduh ngan burung-burung blakang umah sebab slalu tolong kutip cili dia tanam.. hehe)
2. capsaicin ni tahan panas dan tahan simpan lama.. jadi masak la lama-lama atau simpan lama-lama pun lada tak kan hilang rasa pedas dia..
3. capsaicin ni sejenis phytochemical yang mana bertindak sebagai antioksidan (dan macam2 lagi tindakan dia).. gunanya sebagai antioksidan (di sini aku tekankan) adalah untuk awet muda (!).. hihi..
4. cerita pasal degree of hotness.. hmm ukuran kepedasan.. kepedasan satu satu jenis lada ni diukur dengan skala scoville.. skala ni dicipta oleh saintis wilbur scoville pada tahun 1912.. jadi kalau nak ukur kepedasan lada ni dia kira ikut ribu-ribu..
pedasnya lada burung ni adalah lebih kurang 100 000.. dan pedas lada bhut jolokia ni dalam sejuta.. jadi maknanya 10x ganda dari cili padi yang biasa kita makan tu.. huhu.. agak-agak kalau depan mata sanggup tak nak makan??
footnote : dalam video ni dia mention 1 nama yang melekat kat kepala ni.. anadita dotatamulgu.. (pastu lepas makan lada dah sebut jadi hakuna matata..haha..) ni nama pompuan yang dalam guiness book makan lada pedas ni 51 biji dalam masa 2 minit.. wahh kagum sungguh.. ni rekod tahun lepas.. actually nama dia anandita duta tamuly.. hehe.. kan sedap namanya tu... (^_^)/
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
.. sambungan adab berpuasa
Sepatutnya orang yang berpuasa mengurangkan kadar pemakanannya sehingga terserlah kesan puasa itu kepada dirinya. Kekenyangan adalah punca kelalaian, kealpaan, keras hati dan malas untuk taat kepada Allah s.w.t..
Sabdanya: Takungan jelek yang dipenuhkan oleh manusia adalah kantong perutnya, memadailah baginya beberapa suapan yang dapat meneguhkan tulang belakangnya. Jika dia enggan maka berikanlah sepertiga (bahagian perutnya) untuk makanan, sepertiga kedua untuk minuman dan sepertiga terakhir bagi pernafasannya. (Riwayat Ahmad dan at-Tarmizi)
Terdapat ulama yang mengungkapkan kata-kata berikut: “Sekiranya perutmu kenyang anggota-anggota lain akan lapar (akan menurut turutan nafsu) tetapi sekiranya perutmu lapar kesemua anggotamu akan kenyang.”
As-Salaf as-Soleh (mereka yang terdahulu) mengurangkan perkara kebiasaan dan dorongan diri serta memperbanyakkan amal ibadat pada bulan Ramadan secara khusus bahkan itulah adat mereka sepanjang masa;
7. Tidak menyibukkan diri dengan urusan duniawi pada bulan Ramadan, bahkan mengambil kesempatan bagi beribadat kepada Allah dan mengingati-Nya sebaik mungkin. Justeru, dia tidak melakukan perkara duniawi melainkan sekadar keperluan hariannya atau kepada mereka yang berada di bawah tanggungannya. Demikian yang selayaknya dilakukan pada bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini sama seperti pada hari Jumaat yang sepatutnya dikhususkan bagi amalan akhirat;
8. Mempraktikkan amalan sunah seperti segera berbuka apabila masuk waktunya, berbuka dengan buah tamar (kurma) dan jika ia tiada memadailah dengan segelas air serta melambatkan makan sahur.
Nabi s.a.w. berbuka dahulu sebelum Baginda mengerjakan solat Maghrib. Sabda baginda: Umatku sentiasa berada dalam keadaan baik (berkat) selama mana mereka mempercepatkan berbuka (apabila masuk waktunya) dan melambatkan makan sahur. (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim);
9. Menyediakan makanan berbuka kepada orang yang berpuasa sekalipun dengan beberapa biji tamar atau segelas air. Sabda baginda s.a.w.: Sesiapa yang menyediakan makanan berbuka bagi orang yang berpuasa baginya ganjaran seumpama pahala orang yang berpuasa tanpa mengurangi sedikitpun pahalanya (orang yang berpuasa). (Riwayat al-Baihaqi dan Ibnu Khuzaimah)
10. Memenuhi malamnya dengan amalan sunat seperti solat terawih, witir dan sebagainya.
Adalah dinasihatkan kepada para imam supaya tidak mempercepatkan solat terawihnya seperti mana amalan kebiasaan di masjid dan surau.
Perbuatan tersebut menjejaskan mutu ibadat solat tersebut kerana meninggalkan ‘wajib-wajib’ solat seperti meninggalkan tomakninah semasa rukuk dan sujud, mencacatkan bacaan al-Fatihah sebagaimana sepatutnya lantaran ingin kecepatan dalam mengejar waktu sehingga menyebabkan makmum di belakang tertinggal rukun-rukun penting dalam solatnya. Amalan terawih seperti itu adalah tidak sempurna dan berkurangan pahalanya.
Oleh itu berwaspadalah terhadap cara demikian dengan kembali mengamalkan ibadah solat seperti waktu-waktu lain, menyempurnakan kiam, bacaan al-Fatihah, rukuk, sujud, khusyuk, hadir hati dan semua peradaban solat dan rukunnya.
Bagi makmum pula disyorkan supaya sentiasa bersama imamnya sepanjang solat terawih itu sehinggalah selesai sama ada 20 rakaat ataupun lapan rakaat. Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w., Apabila seseorang menunaikan solat bersama imamnya sehinggalah imam itu (selesai dan) beredar, dikirakan untuknya (makmum) pahala kiam semalaman. (Riwayat an-Nasaei)
p/s : selamat menjalani ibadah puasa dengan jayanya.. :)