I try to see the good in life.
I'm not running from..
masa kat kenyalang park ni aku ada rembat 2 lagi dvd.. hehe..
But good things in life are hard to find..
I'll blow it away, blow it away
Can we make this something good?
Yeah yeah
This love is killing me
But you're the only one
It's not over.
-it's not over-
I'm slowly getting closure..
I guess it's really over..
I'm finally getting better..
-it's not over-
I'm slowly getting closure..
I guess it's really over..
I'm finally getting better..
And now I'm picking up the pieces..
'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through,
I got over you.
-over you-
I'm not running from..
No, I think you got me all wrong..
I don't regret this life I choose for me..
But these places and these faces are getting old,
So I'm going home..
Well I'm going home..
At last dapat jugak beli cd chris daughtry.. beli masa teman sab cari cd tuk audition 1 in a million
kat Kenyalang Park, Kuching.. banyak2 tempat kat mesia ni, kat kuching aku beli.. huhu.. kat atas antara rangkap-rangkap lagu yang aku suka.. aku jarang suka suara rock serak2 basah ni.. tapi ngan suara dia ni aku jatuh cinta dari american idol lagi.. lagu yang best aku suka dan slalu main kat radio gak: it's not over, over you and home..
( kuat aku melalak dalam keta skrang.. hehe.. gud technique to pick up my mood nowadays)
masa kat kenyalang park ni aku ada rembat 2 lagi dvd.. hehe..
1. harry potter colection.. 2. grey's anatomy complete season 4
tapi malangnya nasibku.. dvd harry potter langsung xleh bukak dan dvd grey's aku, dvd 2 dia ulang balik dvd 1.. huhu sedihnya aku.. (tulah sape suruh malas nak test kat kedai!! *tung2* tepuk dahi) nasibla harganya xsemahal mana.. kalu tak mau tensen xsudah ni.. isk2
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