happy weekends! ;)
today officially fadh pindah umah.. dia dah start angkut barang2 dia sikit2 sejak 2 hari lepas..(huhu..) ye lah dah mak buyung xlarat sangat nak ngangkut banyak2 kan.. tak tolong?? nak tolong tapi dia cakap husband dia ada, xpe.. but anyway, bersempena dia memindah ni, dan bersempena aku kehilangan roomate ni..(huhu..); i'm doing some decluterring over my wordrobe and my room.. hehe..
remember that book title shopaholic yang aku beli airitu.. ada part yang dia pasal decluterring ni.. terpengaruh la ni.. ;)
"i think u should spend the morning decluttering,"
"what?" i stare her in horror. "i dont want to declutter."
"yes u do! honestly, u'll feel so great, like i did. it was brilliant."
"no it doesn't."
"yes it does! it feng shui! u have to le things out of ur life to allow the good things in."
so she did it and it was not very successfull for the first time.. after this and that happens, minah ni wat lagi declusterring over her room, the result was very successfull.. dan dia wat auction lagi ngan barang2 dia.. sebab dia ni banyak giler barang yang best hasil dari penyakit suka shoppingnya.. jadi, with the money she got, she paid all her debt. minah ni watak utama dia nama becky bloomwood.. dan yang suh dia kemas bilik dari kesepahan melampau ni, housemate aka bestfriend dia..
of course mine nya xleh nak wat aution kan.. sape nak beli?? haha.. walau apapun, sronok bila tgk hasilnya lemari dan bilik daku kemas dan teratur.. hehe..
in this picture: teddy kuning tu namanya jaundice, jaundice was my 25th besday present from fadh.. (cute sgt!), on the left hand side is pict of mama n abah at mekah.. ha, nampak pasu tu? that pasu got twin u know, nun jauh kat kuching sana, exactly alike.. hmm, there's also my jewelry box, 2 of them, 1 i got from my mak angkat here (also birthday present) and the other 1 i bought at tawau on my first visit to pasar gantung.. err, ada lagi kelengkapan contact lens aku, perfume, cekaks rambut, mentol (tak tau yang lama ke baru, huhu), iza's lip gloss n cover of my recent book i read, titled hannibal by thomas harris.. oh, there's my handband that i bought at kfc and not to forget the teddy bear sitting on kerusi there, he's holding my mrsm graduation picture ;).. these are actually located on fadhnya lemari.. dah dia nak angkut almari dia, so the relocation began.. their new temporary location is in my big paper bag from mng.. huhu..

yang ni plak are some of my clothes that i let go.. nanti hari senin nak bawak g spital.. nak bagi kat patient.. mana tau derang nak kuar outing bleh la bagi pakai baju2 aku yang xseberapa ni.. (all in good condition tau.. some of them aku baru pakai skali pastu refuse to wear it again due to various reason ;p)
~“We will either find a way, or make one.” -hannibal~
bagus bagus bagus.. teruskan amalan 'decluttering' ni.. tapi, jangan dibuang barang-barang tu, sayang.. huhu
hehe.. tak, takde yang terkorban dalam aktiviti aku ni.. ;p
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