yup.. i read those books too.. ;p
why am i reading this book?? the first question when i started the reading.. honestly, i don't even like the movie.. yup, same as the 'other' recent movie that based on book.. huhu.. umm.. oklah.. actually tak la teruk sangat tapi terasa ceritanya simple dan sesuai tuk bebudak2.. memang pun cerita untuk budak2 kan.. dan percy memang suppose to be 12 in his first book/ movie.. but still, harry potter and narnia and star dust are also suppose to be for childrens (and big children) too.. -- those are very, very good fairy tales story telling..
anyway.. the reason i'm interested to see this movie because of the director.. the famous chris columbus.. as we know (or now you know) i love harry potter - he directed 2 of it.. produced fantastic 4 -which is fantastic and night at the museum- which successfully entered my must see movie for sequel , bicantennial man - robot man that i love --tengok banyak kali pun nak tengok jugak lagi.. o owh jangan lupa home alone-sape yang xpenah tengok home alone rugi (eventhough that story tayang like a million years ago)..
anyway.. the reason i'm interested to see this movie because of the director.. the famous chris columbus.. as we know (or now you know) i love harry potter - he directed 2 of it.. produced fantastic 4 -which is fantastic and night at the museum- which successfully entered my must see movie for sequel , bicantennial man - robot man that i love --tengok banyak kali pun nak tengok jugak lagi.. o owh jangan lupa home alone-sape yang xpenah tengok home alone rugi (eventhough that story tayang like a million years ago)..
aku pun p la tengok cerita tu.. dan keluar wayang seperti perasaan yang aku cakap kat atas tadi.. pastu aku confius.. kenapa buku dia (did some research before going to movie) sama title dengan movie.. boleh meletup di pasaran, i mean in US (and may i add up, for 4 years!).. menang banyak award lak tu.. dan aku keluar dari movie dengan perasaan camni..?? jadi dengan perasaan untuk menegakkan keadilan cerita ni.. aku pun berazamlah tuk baca buku dia.. baca dan baca dan baca...
di akhir cerita, aku dapat habiskan semua buku dia dalam masa tak sampai 2 minggu.. which total up to 5 books (yeay!!!).. as usual quite obssesive.. but really, i cannnot help myself.. the book was unputdownable! huhu..
review will come later.. if i still in the obsessive mood for percy, annabeth, grover and chiron.. \(^_^)/
p/s : our famous james bond, pierce brosnan looked very handsome as a man-horse centaur.. and uma thurman made a very beautiful snake-haired madusa lady.. or a.k.a the gorgon.. ( dulu ingat gorgon ni raksasa apa la.. hehe)
seteruk itukah.. terpaksa cari buku dia...
tak la nak cakap teruk.. cuma cakap buku tu much2 better dari movie dia..
actually, 4 out 5 buku aku donlod free.. 1 je yang aku beli.. hehe.. nak nanti mintak kat aku.. xpun kalu rajin ko google n donlod la sendri.. rajin lagi p beli wat collection.. :)
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